Saturday, November 1, 2008

I wanna go home!

This little trip started out ok, it was a novel experience living in a hotel and not having to worry about any cleaning or food or anything, but the novelty has worn off. I am ready to go home.

There has been a little ditty running through my head lately along these lines. The words I know: "I wanna go home. Let me go home! This is the worst trip, I've ever been on."

That is a bit of an exaggeration, this is not the worst trip I've ever been on, it's just getting tedious and I am ready to return home now. Funny thing though, home is Missouri to me, which is funny seeing as how I've been there only a month. I've been a little homesick since I moved to Missouri, but I've been homesick for Idaho, which makes no sense whatsoever, because I haven't lived in Idaho for three years. Weird. I think that I am a nit of a rolling stone, home is where my stuff is. It probably helps that I have lived away from my family so much of the past ten years, and as long as we have telephones I'm fine living wherever I am. This will be good when I get opportunities to go on details for work.

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