Saturday, November 29, 2008


I had a hard time when I first moved out here, I felt like Lizzy's kids were trying to give me a reason to be glad I was single and had no kids. Here is a list of some things that happened when I first got here.

We were setting the table for dinner the children staretd arguing about who got the pointy fork when no forks were even needed for dinner (did I ever do that?)

One night I had an interesting conversation with Sammy. He was looking for the red beanbag, and I said, "It's right in front of you," and he said, "no it's not! It's not right in front of me!" Me: "It's right here" (pointing right at it) Sammy: "No it's not right there!" Me: "Ok," (picking it up, bringing it in the other room) "It's right here whenever you're ready." Sammy: "No it's not there!" Ten minutes later, after much wandering around and grumbling, he walks back to the red beanbag where it has been sitting next to my chair since I set it down and says, "Oh, here it is." I guess he just had to find it for himself.

Then later he was insisting that we sing, first Thomas the train, and then the theme from the old Batman movie, not the 'nunununununununu Batmaaaaan' part, but the action scenes with words he made up himself, but the words as he sings them are intelligible, and it is apparently against the rules to make up your own words.

I guess most of the issues were with Sammy, but Arthur had his share too. Poor kid, he is much too quiet. One night when Liz was at Scouts, he and Sammy came inside, and apparently they had found some water somewhere (which really confused me at the time, because it hadn't rained for few days, and Sammy can't turn on the hose). Sammy was complaining that he was cold and wet, and I changed him and dried him off and brought him downstairs. And then when I got him downstairs I realized that Arthur was just as wet! He'd just been following me around, not saying a word, waiting for me to figure it out. I was worried that he could have gotten sick if I hadn't noticed.

And then he wouldn't say my name! Before I left for Dallas I kept trying to get him to call me Cheri, but when he wanted to get my attention he would call me Mom. It really bugged me, I wanted him to say my name.

But he is just so cute now! He's started calling me Cheri a lot. I get home from work, he says, "Cheri, Cheri, Cheri." And he lets me hug him now.

And when I got off the plane from Dallas, I could see Brian and Sara jumping up and down to see over the partition, to see me getting off the plane. And Sammy was waiting for me at the exit from the waiting area, wanting to run in and see me. He gave me a big old hug, and made me feel very happy to be home. he is so cute! He always jumps on me when he hugs me after family prayer, very cute.


  1. Haha, so you've stumbled upon our nefarious plot! Yes, our children are in on it too: bug the heck out of Cheri until she is forced to run away to a nunnery where all she will do all day long is read ancient manuscripts and sing...hey, wait a sec...not that far removed from current habit, I'd say...=P

  2. Yes, you did that (the fork thing).

  3. You also scratched me once becasue I took the green plate when you wanted it...


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