Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to Baby-proof a TV

We have one of those big old boxy analog TVs with buttons on the front. Mason likes to play with it. He used to press the buttons like crazy, so I put a big piece of cardboard over them. It kept him off them for awhile, because it was the feel of the buttons he liked, but he learned recently that if he pushes on the cardboard in different places, he could change the channel, the volume, turn on the menu, and turn off the TV. It was getting annoying, especially when I was playing video games. So I came up with a new plan.

For this, I needed heavy duty scissors, packing tape, and the lid from a Chinese takeout container.

I measured the lid against the TV and cut a decent sized piece using the scissors. Then I held it against the TV and taped it down firmly with the packing tape. Especially along the cut part, since had a bit of an edge. I did it wrong the first time, he could still turn off the TV without hardly touching it, so I had to reposition the lid, but now it covers the buttons, and Mason can bang on the TV all he wants without doing anything. That makes for a happy Mommy!

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