Thursday, July 28, 2011

One year old

You came into my life one evening a year ago, after hours of pain and months of weight gain!

My whole world changed when I saw your beautiful face and heard your cries. We became a family.

I woke up the morning after you were born, and stared at you for hours. You were so beautiful, and wonderful, and I couldn't comprehend where you had come from. And you seemed to be wondering about me as well.

And it never changed. You are my little miracle. Every part of you is perfect and beautiful and amazing.

You seemed to be wise and all knowing at times, watching me behind your eyes and learning from my sillyness.

Everyone who knows you loves you, you became such an important part of our world.

You are the best present I was ever given.
You have grown so much and learned so much in a years time. You are becoming more self-sufficient whether feeding yourself:

Or walking all over the house.

But you never stopped loving me, and turning to me in times of need. And I discovered how much I need you too.

We love you Mason! Happy Birthday!

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