Monday, July 18, 2011

Russian Store

Mike took me on the best date I've been on for awhile on Friday. He found a Russian grocery store within a half hour drive, and took me there as a surprise. I didn't even know where we were going until we got there. It was cool, they had books, candy, and all sorts of Russian foods, things I saw on my mission.

I bought Живчик! (shivchik, a sort of sparkling apple juice)

It wasn't the best I've ever had, it was pretty flat, and I wasn't aware how important the carbonation is to the taste.

I also found Вавли! (Waffly. It usually is in strips with sugary cream in between, and is yummy)

There is no filling, I need to add filling and make a cake of sorts with it.

It was the best date I've been on in awhile. Mike did a good job of surprising me. Yay for sweet husbands!


  1. Glad you had as much fun as I did. :)

  2. A Russian store in Missouri sounds really random, and fun as well.


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