Saturday, January 31, 2009

A strange new world

So, I was driving home from my branch president's house yesterday and I noticed something unusual. A bunch of cop cars were heading towards this little research hospital near the freeway exit I was trying to get on (yay for crazy traffic.) I looked to see what was going on, and I saw a little red car driving all over the field, and the cops were trying to cut it off. I'm afraid I started laughing somewhat hysterically, I had never seen anything like that before. After a minute I couldn't see where it had got to, so I figured they had got him.

The light turned green and I turned on to the freeway. A minute later, while I was still on the ramp, I looked in the rear-view mirror and saw a red car coming up behind me. I looked again and realized that it was the same car the cops had been chasing. I pulled over to the side of the road so he wouldn't hit me, and watched all the cop cars go speeding by, and then headed off again. Two minutes later, I had to stop because the car had hit another car and had to stop, all the cop cars were crowded together, and they were dragging the guy out and cuffing him. I was stuck there for only about 5 minutes before they let us past, and I was laughing the whole time. Again, somewhat hysterical. So weird, I have never seen anything like that before. Much different here than in Utah/Idaho, that kind of thing apparently happens all the time here.


  1. Apparently the criminal driver was transfixed by your beauty and thereafter careened into the next vehicle. Poor sap. Oh well, at least you had a good laugh. Hopefully the person ahead wasn't hurt. Welcome to Kansas City! Yeehaw!

  2. That was quite a funny/sad story...I'm glad those kinds of things don't happen often here.


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