We got up WAY to early (like 7 am) to go to a breakfast with my in-laws at the lake (I am probably always going to think that's a nutty thing to do, because to me, holidays are for sleeping in. Especially the first Monday holiday we did it, I was pregnant, always tired, and looking forward to sleeping! I think we went to the temple that Saturday too and had church at nine, so it was a triple whammy of no sleep and I took a heck of a nap that afternoon. But I digress.) Mason was a bit upset to be woken up, but cheered up quickly, especially because Aunties were there!
Mike took some random pictures of scenery. . .
And me. . .
Mason ate April's breakfast. . .
hung out at the lake (in his pajamas because we woke up late and I was lazy). . .
And had fun!
We got home around ten and Mason was exhausted, so we put him down for a nap. Then Grandma decided we should go to Deanna Rose (a petting zoo type place), which we tried to do once before and Mason came down with stomach flu on the way. When Mason got up, we fed him lunch and went off to Grandma's house. Then off to the zoo. Mason had a blast.
He saw pretty fish. . .
Pushed his stroller. . .
Played with goats. . .
Played with more goats. . . he really liked the goats and kept trying to go back to them
Incidentally, I wish I'd had my video camera going here, because the goat totally jumped in the stroller and tried to run off with it.
Pushed his stroller more. . .
I wondered at one point why I had bothered to bring a stroller, but then I realized it was a good idea.
Mason was dead tired when we got home around five-thirty, so I let him take a short nap since bedtime was only three hours away. He had a crazy busy day! And lots of fun!
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